Im not lazy

I really can say now that I enjoy cooking. Who would have thought that I would prefer to cook over eating out. Some of that is the quality of food of course (kind of a control issue for me) I can’t control what restaurants feed me. My friends know how I eat and they feed me accordingly.. but restaurants? I’ve started to see my body have a reaction to the simplest of foods like bread, marinara sauce, desserts, stuff that wouldn’t have bothered me before. If I want to feel good, I eat in. Even if its a night alone I will find *something* to eat (it doesn’t take a long time to defrost a pound of ground beef) and I will always feel happy after I’ve eaten at home. And it does work out to be cheaper.

I enjoy cooking for Bon and Dan and Brett. It makes for a great night together over a nice meal and wine – and rum ;)

I’ve now reached a happy place – I know where to get all of the best ingredients of food that I can get – I’ve got the meat guy, I’ve got the veggie folks, I’ve got 2 Whole foods, 1 Fresh Market, 1 Abbys and 2 Nutrition S’marts to choose from all with different things! Its amazing!

I really hope that more people go ahead and embrace cooking at home. Use a crockpot if you are short on time. Use wholesome ingredients. Learning to do this is one of the best things I’ve done for myself. Its healthy, a conversation starter, and most of all, it really is fun!

The screw ups suck – and I’ve had my share. I’ve thrown some dinners right down the disposal, I’ve gotten mad and cried because I’ve failed. But, every time I fail, I learn something. I’m not perfect.

I was nervous this morning, I needed to cook a boneless, skinless turkey breast. I don’t know how. I was scared of it getting dried out and being tasteless. I asked Brett for help, he gave me some clues and I tried it. It came out perfectly in 90 minutes. I needed it to make Turkey a la King tonight. A new recipe for me to try. Can’t wait.

BeforeAfterMy turkey breast. Very simple. Onions on the bottom of the pan, some home-made chicken stock in the pan, olive oil covering the breast with some salt, pepper and herbs d’Provence. In the oven at 350 for 90 minutes. YUM YUM!